apart from having 
, it also has a well equipped service center at
28, C.R. Avenue, Kolkata - 700 012.
The testing center is manned by our hardware engineers, who are technicians par excellence. The components are tested here and handed over to the customers. Besides, faulty parts are checked and handed over to the adjoining replacement section for further action. Materials for replacement are received here and sent to the respective principals.
Efficient after sales support has always been our “Concern on Top Priority”. For the benefit of our customers, a separate “Replacement Center” has been set up along with the testing counter. Certain guidelines have been laid down to ensure a smooth procedure for replacement / repairing.
Materials for replacement are accepted between 2 to 5 p.m. on all days except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Such materials are checked by the engineers in the adjacent testing area for confirmation of the defect. Proper receipt of all the defective materials received are provided to the customers. Thereafter, these materials are sent to the respective Principal Companies. Normally, it takes around 21 days to get solution from principle companies. Customers are always advised to confirm the availability of the replaced / repaired material over telephone before coming personally for collection of the material.
Customer can always get the after sales support directly from vendor company by approaching them in local losi4ion along with the products and our sale bill having the serial nos. of the products during the warrant period
Warranty will be void in the following conditions for all the products:
- The warranty period is over.
- Burnt Case
- The serial no. / bar code is tampered with.
- Physical damage is seen on the product (like broken corners, visible cracks, connector pins damaged etc.)
- Warranty seal, screws, rubber support, is tampered with.
- Remarking / modifying of the original product brand
* Customer to carry the product to Berlia service / office / warehouse.
Berlia Compu System. decision would be final and binding to the customer .
Warranty Policy Guidelines:
Warranty will be also void for the different products in the following conditions:
- If Pin/pins of CPU is broken or bent.
- The back portion of the CPU is appearing brown / black in color due to overheating.
- Media Screws are missing or tampered.
- IDE/ Power supply connector pin is broken.
- Drives, if shaken makes some noise which resembles that something is broken inside.
- Warranty seal is tampered and / or has a hole in it.
- The CPU socket is turned to brown in color.
- The battery is missing from the mother board.
- The memory socket is broken or damaged.
- IDE / Power supply connector pin is broken.
- Outer cable is damaged / cut or broken.
- Signal cable is cut / damaged by pests.
- Any physical damage to picture tube / cabinet.
- No warranty on the plastic parts.
- Burnt due to over load / spikes beyond range.
- No warranty on the plastic parts.
- If the PCB and / or the Chips, IC’s are burnt due to any reason.
- There is no warranty on accessories like adaptors or cables